Friday, June 6, 2008

Ducks…and More Ducks

My husband and I are fortunate to share our property with lots of wildlife (actually, it’s they who share it with us). As you can see in the photos, the ducks have been too cute for words these days.

The first photo shows Eleanor and Sam coming to the front door to ask for their breakfast. They do this whenever I’m running late with their morning corn. The ducks order us around pretty regularly, as do the rabbits, woodchucks, cardinals, and bluejays. The deer already ate our pea and bean plants, so it’s Round Two for the vegetable garden.

The second photo is Delilah and her adorable new babies that she paraded up from the pond to give us a closer look.

Our cat Gary doesn’t quite know what to make of the ducks — he looks at them from the window, then looks at us with his "question mark" look. Apparently, ducks aren’t in his data base.


  1. What an adorable kitty! I love the look...:)
    I always appreciate being able to enjoy all the furry and feathered friends outside my windows too.

    Welcome to The Foodie Blogroll!

  2. Awww...I love ducks!
    Here's a song/video to go with your post-

  3. Wonderful photos! Thank you for sharing. I live across the street from Lake Ontario so we get an awful lot of Canadian Geese wondering around. My dog, Simon, still doesn't know what to make of them. It's funny to see the look on his face as his brain tries to sort it all out.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Ahh... the ducks are great. Plus: in the garden they'll eat slugs and some other insects.

    Downside, though, some LOVE greens... we used to give them are "spent" greens and they'd go crazy eating them.

    Nice photos!

  5. Jenn: Thanks for stopping by. Yes, Gary is one cute kitty, that's for sure.

    Nikki: Very fun little duck song/video! Thanks for sending it.

    Carrie: How wonderful to live across the street from Lake Ontario! I adore Canadian Geese --so majestic.

    Mark: Glad you like the photos. The ducks really are great. I tried feeding them greens, but they're just not that into them. Wish I could say the same about the rabbits and the deer!

  6. What cute pictures! The expression on your cat's face is priceless!


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