Sunday, July 13, 2008

Help Me Celebrate Six Months

Just six months ago today, I posted my first-ever blog entry. Until then, blogging was something “I’ll get to when I have time” — only I never seemed to have time. Heck, I never even had time to read other people’s blogs, much less write my own.

Finally, on January 13 of this year, I decided it was now or never, and I jumped into the blogosphere without a life jacket. Over the months, I’ve watched the statistics climb and the subscribers grow, and I’m happy to know that you’re out there reading and (hopefully) enjoying my posts.

Now, I’d like to ask you all to help me celebrate this six month juncture by giving me a “Performance Evaluation.” For your help, I’ll pick a responder at random and send you one of my cookbooks. So, please take a moment and tell me:

· What can I do to improve this blog?
· What do you like most about my posts?
· Do you enjoy the occasional non-food photos (such as my kitties or, say, this lovely butterfly)?
· Am I forgetting anything?

Please let me know what you think— your suggestions, advice, and comments are welcome. I’d love to hear from you.


  1. Happy 6 months, Robin! You know, honestly, I just think you are so generous for posting your recipes as often as you do. I know I'm very grateful for that. I have several of your books, but not all of them, so that's a nice bonus. Also, I enjoy reading the stories behind the recipes.

    Photos of kitties and butterflies are always welcome. Oh, and so are contests!

    Thanks and keep up the wonderful blogging!

  2. I wish I had some suggestions for improvement, but I love your blog as it is! Your recipes are always wonderful and I like the contests, even though I haven't participated in one yet (I'd like to in the future, if there are more of them :) I like the variety of kinds of foods that you post (desserts, main courses, etc)...and I especially like the sneak peeks at recipes from Vegan Fire & Spice, since I haven't been able to get it yet... and I'm possibly the biggest fan of spicy food around!

    I do like the kitty photos, too.

    I haven't posted a comment before even thought I've been lurking awhile, but I just want to say too that Vegan Planet was the first cookbook I got when I first went vegan and moved into my own apartment. For a long time it was the only cookbook I owned. I owe you so much for giving me so much cooking inspiration over the years, and was so happy when I discovered you had a blog :) Keep it up!! Thanks!

  3. Your blog is great! There aren't a ton of blogs out there really TEACHING people how to cook vegan -- yours walks people through a variety of recipes with explanations and great creative ideas! My only suggestion might be to occasionally talk about "why vegan", for the folks who might stumble upon your blog for other reasons. But keep up the great work! Your blog is great fun!

  4. Happy blogaversary! I enjoy the mix of stuff on your blog - I enjoy the way blogs give us a glimpse into the people that write them.

    I also own some of your cookbooks but I still really appreciate the recipes. I'm new to vegan cookings, and for me, sometimes a cookbook has so many choices that I just don't know what to make.

    Seeing just one recipe at a time and really seeing it (as opposed to glancing over it) has prompted me to try new things and to go back and look for similar things in my cookbooks.

    Thanks for the great blog!

  5. Congratulations Robinon on hitting the 6 month mark! I can't think of any recommendations I could make for improving your blog or blogging style. I read several other vegan cookbook authors' blogs but yours is the one I read the most, probably because you update it frequently, share recipes and cooking tips, and also share a bit about your personal life, which adds a wonderful personal touch. When I first went vegan over two years ago, Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker helped me stay afloat the first year, and continues to be a favorite. It is the perfect answer for someone who has little time to spend in the kitchen but wants to maintain a healthy vegan diet. I enjoy seeing other recipes of yours highlighted on your blog, as it tends to pique my curiosity enough to entice me to try something new every now and then. Keep up the wonderful work!

  6. Hey, Robin! No comments on how to improve your blog, but I want to tell you that non-food pictures are welcomed by me. I always love seeing pictures of adorable kitties - or just good pictures, in general!

  7. Six months and many more to come!

    You are very kind to share your hard work with us.
    I love Fire and Spice, which is a book I cook from often.

    Stories, pictures, and of course recipes, are all good.

    One suggestion : A "Print recipe" bottom, if possible. Like the one on Susan's blog FFVC.


  8. Congratulations on making it to six months. I would love to get one of your cookbooks and help you out. Here are my suggestions:
    1. In addition to having recipes, I would love to have more information on the day to day aspects of being vegan. For instance, where do you get protein? What are good "I'm feeling lazy today" meals? What are good sources of iron?
    2. I like the recipe instructions in your posts best. I wish that there were MORE recipes.
    3. I do like the occasional non-food photos
    4. Unsolicited advice: Since I am a bit of a prize fanatic, I think it would be fun if there were more giveaways on here. I would also enjoy an occasional post where readers could ask questions about anything vegan related and you would answer.

    Thanks again for such a great site and I look forward to another six months!

  9. · What can I do to improve this blog?
    Maybe blog more consistently/frequently? Emphasis on consistently?

    · What do you like most about my posts?
    Your recipes have excellent instructions, and they all sound AMAZING.

    · Do you enjoy the occasional non-food photos (such as my kitties or, say, this lovely butterfly)?
    Non-food posts are GREAT! I don't like blogs where I just know what to expect - I'm always anxious to read what you have.

    · Am I forgetting anything?
    Nah. Everything is well-written, your photos are detailed.

  10. Happy 6 months! I only recently found your blog but I love it.

    I do love the recipes, I won't lie, but I love seeing your kitty's equally as much. They're gorgeous after all :)

    It's also wonderful of you to share your recipes and I have to say, that posting teasers from your new one is a great incentive to hurry up and go and buy them!

  11. I love your books and was thrilled to stumble upon your blog. The seitan pot roast in your "Vegetarian Meat & Potatoes" book was a revelation!

    I think a cool improvement to the blog would be to have a recipe index or ingredient index on it.

    I really like the seasonality of your posts. And yes, I do like the posts about the kitties and other non-food related topics!

    Congratulations on your six month blogversary!

  12. I like the animal photos and also the photos of the food creations. They inspire me to try out your recipes. thanks Robin!

  13. One thing I really appreciate about your blog is the quality of the pictures. I hate it when cookbooks don't have pictures of the recipes. There's something about seeing the picture that makes me really WANT to make the dish. Thanks for the great read!


I'd like to hear your comments What do you think?.