Friday, December 5, 2008

Call for Recipe Testers

I’m happy to report that I’m doing the final testing for my next book, 1,000 Vegan Recipes and also working on the one that follows. With all that testing to do, I’m hoping to recruit 4 or 5 new recipe testers.

All I can promise as a thank you is your name in the acknowledgments, so if you love to cook (and eat!) vegan food and would like to help, you would need to be detail-oriented and able to articulate recipe critiques and suggestions.

If you can commit to testing 3 to 4 recipes a week between now and February 1st, please send me an e-mail expressing your interest. Experience in recipe testing is a definite plus, but not required. Recipe testing begins next week, so let me hear from you soon!


  1. The date on this post is Dec., 2008, but I'm assuming it's a mistake and the call for testers is new. I haven't been a tester for unpublished cookbooks, but we test recipes all the time at our house, and I'd like to give this a try. Please consider me. thanks.

  2. Please let me know if you are in need of testers.

    ixmadeamistake at gmail dot com

  3. I would be interested if you still need testers!

  4. Hi Robin! Depending on your deadline (assuming that Feb. 1 is an error), I would be interested. Thanks!

  5. I'm not sure why/how this post from December went out again but it was a mistake. I have enough recipe testers at this time, but I appreciate the interest and I'll be sure to let you know if I need more testers for the next round. Sorry for any confusion!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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