Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two Great New Books

It’s not every day that a new book, much less two, crosses my path that actually makes me unbury myself from my own work and take notice. In the growing list of great books designed to enrich the lives of vegans (and those who want to be!) here are two gems:

In his new book, The Ultimate Vegan Guide, Erik Marcus distills and demystifies the many facets of “going vegan” in one easy-to-read and entertaining volume. In this thorough and fun guide, Erik offers advice and tips gleaned from his 20-years of personal experience as a vegan. The book covers virtually every aspect of a vegan lifestyle from nutrition and cooking, to dining out and grocery shopping, as well as a great section on activism and outreach.

Alisa Fleming, founder of, wrote and published a terrific new book called Go Dairy Free. In addition to being an excellent resource for dairy-free living, Go Dairy Free provides nutrition tips, a guide to dairy alternatives, and 225 tempting recipes. This comprehensive book also contains an in-depth health section on dairy-related illnesses, food allergy and vegan-friendly resources, helpful shopping information and much more.


  1. I've been itching to get Erik's book, but I hadn't even heard for the Dairy Free one. Thanks for the info!

    We just had your Garlic Soup from Vegan Fire and Spice for lunch. It was delicious and will be on our menu a lot. With all that garlic, what's not to love?

  2. Those sound like great books, but why do I have a feeling that they ignore people who are vegan or interested in becoming vegan and have soy allergies/intolerances. Just a personal pet peeve.

  3. Tami: Glad you liked the Garlic Soup. I especially enjoy it on a cold rainy day like today!

    Snugglebunny: You'll be pleased to know that Go Dairy Free addresses the issue of soy (and other) food allergies and the book contains a recipe - food allergy index in the back, so you can see at a glance which ones are soy free (and a lot of them are!)

  4. Great tips! For sure I'll buy The Ultimate Vegan Guide. I'd like to read some new (and good) books about veganism.

    Just a question: do you have any tip about books that talk about veganism during the pregnancy?


  5. Glauce: I suggest you visit the website: -- it's a great site with an entire department devoted to the topic including articles and a book list which includes these titles by two of my favorite MDs:
    Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet by Michael Klaper, M.D.;
    and Healthy Eating for Life for Children by Neal Barnard, M.D.

  6. Robin, glad to hear that the Go Dairy Free does at least address soy allergies/intolerances and that a lot of the recipes are soy free. Less recipes I will have to de-tofu in the future.

    It is just annoying that soy is so rampant in the omni world and even more so if you are vegan/vegetarian. And for some reason, it seems like no one wants to admit it that soy allergies/intolerances exist or to talk about them.


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