Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Great Brownie Debate

Anyone who thinks “a brownie is a brownie” will have to think again after reading through the comments in the brownie poll. With well over 100 people (and counting) voting for their favorites, the “fudgy brownie” faction overtook the “cakey brownie” proponents by a landslide. Interestingly, almost equal in number to the cakey brownie lovers are those who enjoy either or both kinds of brownies or “something in between.” The question of “nuts” vs. “no nuts” favors "yes to nuts," with many respondents either not addressing the nut issue or listing other additions. Here’s how the numbers look as of this writing. Out of 115 votes (including a few that came via e-mail):

Prefer Fudgy Brownies: 74
Prefer Cakey Brownies: 19
Enjoy Both Kinds: 22
“Yes” to Nuts: 42
“No” to Nuts: 27

What I found most amazing is how passionately descriptive everyone is about the type of brownie they prefer, as well as the creative riffs on traditional brownie recipes that many of you shared, including additions from cayenne, mint, nutmeg, and peanut butter, to topping them with pecans glazed with hot sauce and peach preserves, and even adding chunks of brownies to brownie batter for a double-dose of brownie goodness — now that’s decadent!

As promised, I have randomly chosen someone to receive a copy of Vegan Fire and Spice for taking part in this poll. The winner is: Kiersten — (Kiersten, please e-mail me with your mailing address and I’ll get a book right out to you.)

I want to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in the brownie poll — I wish I could give each one of you a nice big freshly baked custom-made brownie of your choice!


  1. Fudgey brownies rule!! Robin, so how would we make your fabulous recipe less cakey and more fudgey?

  2. A random survey of brownie preferences yielded these results:

    cakey: 1
    fudgey: 1

    I just asked my roommates, haha :) I love how passionate everyone is about their brownies!

  3. Monica: I agree — the passionate conviction about brownies is truly amazing!
    GoSail: I’ll see what I can do, although, this may be at the risk of divorce in my “cakey-brownies only” household. In the meantime, if you want to experiment yourself, you might try adding an extra 1/2 cup of chocolate chips and/or taking them out of the oven a few minutes earlier.

  4. What is your favorite vegan brownie? I've been thinking of having a bakeoff of different vegan brownie recipes I've come across because I have one in my head that is dense and fudgy but most recipes I've tried have been fruity tasting (from the substitutes made) or cakelike. :)

  5. Robin, your brownie recipe is THE BEST!!! It is the perfect ratio of cakey to fudgey, and it is just so delicious....I think I'm going to go make some right now!!


I'd like to hear your comments What do you think?.