Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Orzo-Stuffed Zucchini

At the farmer’s market last weekend, I discovered the most adorable little round zucchini. They were between the size of a tennis ball and a baseball and I couldn’t wait to get them home to stuff them!

It was a simple matter to slice off the tops and scoop out the insides, leaving about 1/4-inch shell all around. I cooked the shells for a few minutes in a pot of boiling water, just to soften them slightly.

For the stuffing, I wanted to include tomatoes because I love the zucchini-tomato combination. Since puttanesca sauce is high on my list of favorite flavors, I decided that was a good place to begin. I sautéed minced garlic in olive oil along with the chopped insides from the zucchini. I then added chopped tomatoes, olives, and capers, and seasoned it with salt, pepper, and basil.

I combined this fragrant mixture with some cooked orzo (this rice-shaped pasta is perfect in a stuffing). I added a little chopped cooked chard that I had on hand and then stuffed the mixture inside each zucchini and baked them for about 20 minutes.

To serve, I nestled these little beauties on a bed of the remaining orzo-puttanesca mixture and they tasted as good as they looked. I can’t wait until next week’s farmer’s market so I can see what other new and interesting vegetables are available.


  1. I'm so jealous of your farmer's market! I don't have easy access to one here, and besides we're out of our growing season anyway.

    (The recipe looks yummy, too.) :)

  2. so cute! i've made zucchini boats before stuffed with rice or quinoa, but this is a great idea!

  3. those zucchinis are so cute!

    awesome idea!

  4. I am going to be making this tomorrow night. This sounds fantastic. My family loves orzo and zucchini..a match made in food heaven.

  5. Hi!! We're hosting a giveaway of two Earth Cafe organic, dairy-free/vegan, raw, healing cheesecakes delivered straight to your door. (Retail value over $50 each at Whole Foods)! We're on a mission to highlight all things fabulous in the world of vegan weddings. (I also need nifty budget/DIY wedding advice after my father withdrew his support of our wedding, due to the vegan menu!) We're also looking for interesting stories of real vegan weddings, as well. Please send any good candidates our way, & check out the happenings at ( -coming soon!:)
    Thanks so much for the support! Love! :) C

  6. Robin -- I'm a longtime fan of your cookbooks and am so happy I've found your blog. Thanks for sharing wonderful and healthy food!

  7. those are so cute! the recipe sounds delicious too, i'm definitely trying it out for myself


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