Saturday, July 4, 2009

Roasted Watermelon, Anyone?

Roasted watermelon has been turning up in various cookbooks and cooking magazines of late. I found the idea intriguing, so I decided to try some for myself to see what all the fuss was about.

I cut out two rounds from a slice of seedless watermelon and roasted them on a baking sheet. Sprinkled with black sesame seeds and served with a balsamic-blackberry reduction, it certainly made a striking presentation on the plate (although I do think it looks eerily like raw tuna). As far as the flavor factor, I wasn’t exactly knocked out by it. Bottom line: I think I’ll stick to eating my watermelon the old-fashioned way: ice-cold slices for dessert or as a snack (or dressed up as in the “fresh fruit cake” of my June 28 post).

Has anyone else tried roasted watermelon? I’d be curious to know what you think of it.

On another topic: I’ve been asked to post the following job opportunity. If you know someone who wants to work as a vegan private chef in the Baltimore area, pass this along:

Immediate need for excellent vegan live-out private chef to cook full-time for 1 person in Baltimore, Maryland. Must have prior experience cooking vegan gourmet meals. Chef must also be vegan/vegetarian. Must also help administrate the household - including running errands, paying bills, coordinating subcontractors for house maintenance. Competitive salary! Fax resume to 410-486-7692.


  1. Yikes! Roasted watermelon?!? What's so great about watermelon is how cold and refreshing it is! Thanks for trying it for the rest of us. Happy 4th!

  2. very cool idea! Im going to try it!

    Be vegan!! Check out this new website - many members in it, like me, are vegan, and theres groups for it!

    you get your own channels!!

  3. I have never heard of roasted watermelon before. How interesting! I think I'd prefer to eat mine the old fashioned way too. It's just too good on it's own to mess with.

    I agree with you, it does look a bit like raw tuna. Creepy!


I'd like to hear your comments What do you think?.