Monday, August 10, 2009

1,000 Vegan Recipes

I still don’t think it’s quite hit me that, yes, I wrote a book containing one thousand vegan recipes. After three (long) years of writing, testing (thanks again, testers!), and tweaking, I can tell you that I’m absolutely thrilled that the publication date is near — the book comes out October 5th. As you might expect, I’m happy to be finished because of the intense work involved. But more than that, I’ll be excited to see this book in print because of what it represents.

At 640 pages, this hardcover book is a reminder of how far the popularity of vegan cooking has come over the last several years. It wasn’t all that long ago that there were only a handful of vegan cookbooks in print, let alone one that contained a thousand recipes. Fast forward a few years and now the shelves are literally filled with vegan cookbooks. But to me, 1,000 Vegan Recipes is more than just a cookbook. It also represents three years of my life and, more importantly, a little piece of vegan history.

1,000 Vegan Recipes is part of an ongoing “1,000 Recipes” series on various cuisines published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ten years ago they released 1,000 Vegetarian Recipes and I think it says a lot that, ten years later, they are now publishing 1,000 Vegan Recipes. In the Introduction, I relate that people often ask me “What does a vegan eat?” and soon I’ll have an easy answer — I can just show them a copy of this book!

You can read more about 1,000 Vegan Recipes on my website, The book is available for pre-order on Amazon now.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing some of the recipes from the book and look forward to blogging more often now that I’ll have more time.


  1. Wow! And I thought I was busy. I love your books and can't wait to check out this new one. 1000 recipes? You are amazing! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  2. Please tell me you are going to do this as an EBook. I would love to buy this, when I have the money; but I have limited room for physical books, so I am really trying to be ebooks only.

  3. congratulations Robin!

  4. Oh, wow; another cookbook! I'm still getting to know Vegan Planet so I can't wait. :)

    Speaking of Vegan Planet, after reading over a bunch of the recipes I took the plunge and finally made one- Mediterranean Bean Ragout. It was so yummy and deliciously fragrant; it made the whole house smell like comfort food. I thought I wouldn't like the fennel in it (I don't like licorice flavors) but it was subtle and didn't have a licorice flavor at all in the finished dish. I guess it cooks out? (I didn't try it raw; does it taste like licorice raw? Fennel is a new thing for me.)

    Anyway, thanks for the delicious meal this evening!

  5. What a great sense of accomplishment. I have made a few things from the blog. So I must order the book! Keep cooking.

  6. Congrats,Robin!
    I was lucky enough to win a copy of Vegan Fire and Spice earlier this year and a few of the recipes have already become favourites!
    Looking forward to seeing this marvel of deliciousness!

  7. I appreciate everyone's good wishes on the new book -- thanks very much!

    Snugglebunny: not sure if they're doing an e-book, but I'll let you know if/when I find out.

    Kim: you're right, any "licorice" flavor in fennel pretty much cooks out of it (it is more pronounced when raw). But even then, it's a pretty subtle flavor.

  8. I've been waiting for this one. Wow, the amount of time and work that has gone into it! Can't wait to buy it!!!


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