Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1,000 Vegan Recipes Discovered in Minnesota

Last year, Lisa Dahlmeier and her sister-in-law Toni Dahlmeier tested several recipes for 1,000 Vegan Recipes, so they were excited to see the book in their local Barnes and Noble the other day. To mark the occasion, they had someone snap a photo.

Thanks for sending the photo, Lisa! You two are adorable, and I’m happy to see my new book in such good company!


  1. Robin, I am eagerly awaiting for my copy of your book to come this coming Friday!!!

  2. I'm *so* looking forward to the book reaching the English shores! I have it pre-ordered on Amazon and am trying to make space on my shelf so I can put it with your other cookbooks! Can't wait to see what's in it and get cooking!

  3. I have already made my first recipe from it. I was trying to figure out what to do with a head of cabbage that came in my CSA box, and found the tempeh and cabbage recipe in the index.

  4. Hi:
    It must be so exciting to have a book published and out in the stores! I purchased an older cookbook of yours a few weeks ago but they didn't have 1,000 Vegan Recipes out yet. I'm keeping an eye out for it, though. (I could order it through Amazon, but it doesn't seem like as much fun as choosing my own from off the shelf.) ;)

  5. this pic was so fun to take, robin! we feel so blessed to have been a part of something so cool! how AWESOME it was to see our names in print-even though it really was more of an honor to be included in your masterpiece. thanks!~toni D


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