Sunday, October 25, 2009


I might as well face it, I’m addicted to the Hollandaze Sauce from 1,000 Vegan Recipes. So far I’ve used this sublime, creamy, decadent, delicious, lemony sauce on baked potatoes, roasted asparagus, roasted cauliflower, Soy-tan Dream Cutlets, and my current brunch favorite, Burritos Benedict. As seen in the photo, I’ve also used it to top Cashew-Chickpea Medallions. This silky sauce is best made in a high-speed blender for the ultimate in creamy smoothness. It’s very easy to make and a great way to dress up a meal.

As I do with everything I cook, I always taste what I’m making as I prepare it, to be sure of the balance of flavors. The danger with tasting this sauce as you make it, is that you’ll want to keep on tasting it until there’s barely enough left to serve for dinner.

Hollandaze Sauce
This recipe is from my new book, 1,000 Vegan Recipes, published by John Wiley & Sons.

3/4 cup unsalted raw cashews
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/2 cup hot water
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon turmeric
Pinch ground cayenne
3 tablespoons vegan margarine

In a high-speed blender, process the cashews to a fine powder. Add the nutritional yeast, water, lemon juice, mustard, salt, turmeric, and cayenne and blend until smooth.
In a small saucepan, melt the margarine over medium heat and add to the cashew mixture. Blend until smooth. Serve as is or return the sauce to the same saucepan and heat, stirring, over low heat.


  1. Sounds yummy, I'll definitely be trying it. I only recently discovered the joy of cashews making things creamy. They're awesome!!!

  2. Yum! I just saw that in the book and was thinking I needed it to cover everything!

  3. This sounds great. I have all your other cookbooks, and just put this new one on my wish list.

    Do you think this sauce would work with pine nuts instead of cashews? I have a relative who is allergic to cashews but not pine nuts.

  4. Nachos: I agree about the "joy of cashews" for creamy goodness!

    Jenn: As you can tell from my post, I have been covering just about everything with the sauce -- I think you will, too, once you make it.

    Joanne: Without first trying it, I can't say for sure that the recipe will be just as good if made with pine nuts. The cashews really do add a special something to the recipe. My concern is that pine nuts can sometimes be a little bitter. It's certainly worth experimenting, though. You could also try subbing some tofu for the nuts. Good luck!

  5. Aaaaaaand, bookmarked.

  6. Which vegan margarine do you recommend? I would wonder if different vegan margarines taste quite a bit differently?

  7. Ingrid: Earth Balance is that brand I use (and recommend). I think it has a great flavor!

  8. I tried making it with pine nuts intead of cashews. It came out creamy but it had a strong pine nut taste. It was OK but I think it would be better with cashews.


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